I would like to give a SUPER SHOUT OUT to Manatha Funderburke Young. I tuned in to her live conference tonight and it was so powerful. It has completed my day and made way for a better tomorrow. She spoke on realizing your vision. One thing stuck in my mind “Your vision has a purpose it gets in front of you and pulls you forward or it gets behind you and pushes you forward.” The vision starts with… you. She shared so much I am totally excited…We have to get up and move towards our vision and stop speaking negative things and doubt into our lives. We are our worst blockers along with fear, family and haters. This woman of God has blessed me so, we need to clear away the garbage in our minds and not focus our mental energy on negative things. She shared all of this in 30 minutes. My assignment I am ready to pray, think, speak, believe and act… Thanks Manatha, I needed this looking forward the next time to tune in on 3/18..I encourage all my friends to do the same…LOVED IT!!!
Anita Walker
Charlotte, NC
My students were just intrigued by your presence and all the career information you shared. It was an honor to put a face to varied occupation, opportunity, and career development. We would love for you to share again. Thank you so much,
Brian Gantt
Career Planning Instructor
Central Piedmont
Community College
We have not stopped basking in His presence! Awesome conference and I thank you for thinking of us to be a part of what God ordained. Continue to be faithful to what He has called you to do!
Lady Audra Atkinson
Wilson Heights Church Of God
The “Leaving a Legacy of Faith Conference” was a Blessing. I thank God for allowing me and lady Audra for being apart of it and I pray what we shared was a seed sown into good ground that will bring forth fruit in it’s due season. I believe this is just the start of something great.
Pastor Cornelius Atkinson
Wilson Heights Church Of God
I found the teachings presented informative, thought provoking and practical to the Christian Women’s daily walk. In “Prioritizing My Life” I saw that just because something is a priority on my list or in my mind it’s not necessarily being practiced as a priority. Of the women that were in that session none of us had ourselves as priority, that was quite eye opening. In “The Real Ministry of a Wife” I was reminded that I can be an asset or a liability and that as a wife I get to choose which I am on any given day. “Beauty from the Inside Out” was informative entertaining and called for introspection and being accountable to make the changes necessary to be what God say’s I am to be. “Women in the Mirror” was a time of “reflection” contemplating what causes the image I hold of myself God’s Word or the worlds images of what I should see when I look in the mirror. It was an afternoon well spent!
Rochelle A. Hawley
I have known Ms. Young for over 15 years. She has a warm personality and a servant’s heart. We have worked and served together in ministry and on small business projects. Over the years, I have seen her grow as a prayer warrior, sister in ministry, mentor to young ladies, youth leader, presenter, worship arts leader, wife, and mother. One thing is sure, Ms. Young’s life reflects the true completion of our purpose—to know God and to reflect him. I met Manatha at an event on prayer and she has been a prayer warrior since day one. She is an exceptional prayer group leader and takes advantage of every opportunity (i.e. through blogs, conferences, and entrepreneurial projects) to share with others that it takes a village to raise a child to compassion, competence, and character.
A Christian wife, mother to five beautiful daughters, role model, mentor and youth advocate, Ms. Young’s words and actions convey an understanding of the importance of providing young women a paradigm of Christian womanhood that will inform their values, influence their behavior, and transform their lives.
Tracy E. Austin
Small Business Consultant
Bronx, New York
It is my great pleasure to know Manatha Young, and I unequivocally vouch for her personal character.
I have known Manatha for approximately 20 years, since we first met in a local church. She has always presented herself in a professional and pleasing manner. She possesses great organizational skills and has a pleasant demeanor. Her virtuous and kind spirit naturally draws people to her.
I have witnessed her being able to successfully juggle several things from event planning to motherhood to work, subsequently making others’ lives and/or jobs easier. She is able to work as a team player as well as embrace leadership opportunities.
While her communication skills are impeccable, Manatha is also very resourceful. Rather than tell you she can’t complete a task, she’ll track down the resources to make it happen. She would be an asset to any business. I highly recommend her. In fact, I am sure Manatha will exceed your expectations.
Celeste Corpening
Owner, Celestial Creations
Charlotte, NC